Ronald identifies, compiles and analyses health evidence, identifies ways to improve health and tells a compelling story to encourage action.

Ronald provides


Ronald provides expert review and comment on documents; participates as expert in committees, working groups, stakeholder consultations or other venues; and is available as a consultant in health impact assessment and policy development


Ronald synthesizes evidence, provides critical analysis, and makes information easy to understand.  He prepares reports, position statements, backgrounders, presentations and other information materials for decision-makers, expert audiences and the general public


Ronald makes presentations, prepares, facilitates and leads workshops, develops training material, and engages stakeholder, leaders and decision-makers to create new knowledge, and find innovative solutions.

Health impact assessment (HIA)

Health impact assessment is a systematic process that identifies potential positive and negative impacts of a project, policy or other proposal and makes recommendations on ways to enhance positive and reduce negative impacts. Ronald contributes as a subject expert, undertakes screening, rapid or desktop assessments, and facilitate more detailed or comprehensive assessments.

Download this pamphlet for more information.


Air quality
Climate change
Healthy cities
Nature and green space
Toxic chemicals

Ronald excels in

  • Providing insights and suggesting innovative approaches to complex problems    
  • Synthesizing information and highlighting policies, strategies and actions to address concerns
  • Using evidence and stakeholder engagement to strengthen policies, processes, and programs    
  • Facilitating training sessions and workshops to engage leaders and decision-makers, creating new knowledge, and finding innovative solutions 

Former Clients

  • ASEAN Secretariat
  • Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
  • Centre for Science and the Environment (India)
  • Consumers International (Malaysia) 
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
  • Pesticide Action Network (Malaysia)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • UN Environment (UNEP)
  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)